Friday, February 20, 2009

full month celebration part 2..Jadelle adapting to school..

it was fun to see our friends.. and, i must admit that it was better to split the groups.. more manageable.

food from YLS ain't that great. not going to cater from there again.

AShton was a good boy and slept alot. great grandma and granduncles all saw, carried him etc. and jadelle's friends came over to play too..

Since confinement is over, we started to port maid, me, jadelle, ashton & all the barang barang over to MIL's place during weekdays.

And i brought jadelle to school... Monday was terrible.. she screamed when i left after lunch, and when i returned 1.5 hrs later.. she was still screaming

Tuesday the duration was even longer..i left before lunch.. and returned after playground time was over.. she hanged onto the granny of another boy.. must be remind her of grandma.

During the missing times, i was expressing milk inthe toilet.. and i peeked at her all the way..

By Thursday, she was actually better.. though she still cries when i drop her off.. but when we wait for her after school, she comes out smiling..

How i bring her? by bus! it was an adventure to her.. i tried different routes.. most convenient is to take bus 31 & 857 and cross over the overhead bridge. not too hot! and sheltered!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Ashton's full month celebration part 1 over!

Today, went for breakfast at Mac. though i still cannot eat normal food, i still can take bread & milo? so end up eating hotcakes. but sneaked a few mouthfuls of hash browns.. and chilli..keke.

then went home, rest, pumped, put jadelle to rest for her noon nap,then arrived blk 13 about 5:30pm. AK's relatives started arriving already.

comments heard:
1) Baby got high nose
2) Why i lose weight so fast
3) Ashton look like who?

Jadelle played and fought and ran about, with a running nose. Ashton? He drank and cried and poo.. and was carried by the maid in between.

Reached home so late.. and tired..

Jadelle just vomitted out her phlegm, Ashton whimpering away.. and i have a blocked duct!! ouch!!

Part 2 celebration tomorrow. i think i will be tired..

Thursday, February 12, 2009

finishing confinement!!

Today, will wipe clean everything with the pomelo leaves.. bathe with it.. and change all bedsheets.. then will go pray and i am done with confinement! though still must control my diet..

Full month celebration over 2 days! Sat & Sunday!

Ashton's ear is getting better.. and PD called to say not Step B infection, so just got to keep things clean..

Maid broke down yesterday. Apparently, she understand cantonese and mandarin & overheard comments made by FIL about her transmitting bacteria to Ashton.. which is totally uncalled for accusation. She was frightened that I will send her back! And broke down when i was grappling with 2 screaming kids, trying to ask her to measure out medication for Ashton ( i asked her abit crossly to tilt the bottle to get the medication into the syringe).. Yikes!!!

Later on, i explained to her i am anxious and trying to cope with the situation but did not mean anything.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sigh.. Another infection.. poor Ashton now has ear infection..

Geez... this is getting worrying.. Ashton gets a new infection every week? even when he was on augmentin, one of the stronger antibiotics.. this round, his ear... PD Dr. Simon Ng suspects that one of us is a Step B carrier who might be making him prone to infection.. or.. if not, we have to look closer at his immune system..we wait for medical report on the swab test and see how..

PIL getting extremely worried and nervous. Immediately blamed on the new maid not cleaning his ears dry after bath and possibly bringing in germs from her village and might be the step B carrier. FIL acts over protective. Ask me to bath Ashton myself, and put him inside my room etc. I feel that it is wrong to blame the maid. afterall, step b carriers can be created from people who went to hospitals.. this includes me, AK, his dad.. almost ANYONE..

Jadelle miss school today. MIL gave excuse about her swollen leg (insect bite) and brought her to see GP. i called up school. spoke to principal. Apparently school teachers are aware of MIL negative impression and say that it makes it harder for jadelle to integrate into the school program.

They denied alleged accusations of sand fly bites from the school which possibly might caused all the insect bites on jade's face & legs etc.. and insisted temperature checks and checks for HFMD is all in place. Also, Principal insisted that they clean their facilities very vigilantly, inspite of appearance of the playground.

Looks like MIL is biased. likely also resentful, due to the distance etc and travelling. i have decided to bring jadelle there next week myself and integrate her myself. at least i have 4 months.. then i decide again..

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Ashton at 3 weeks 2 days

Mum says he looks like me when i was that tiny ...hmm....

Sunday, February 08, 2009

My thoughts on my confinement.. now that it is almost ending!!

This round has been more relaxing and less stressful, without a CL around, more familiar with BF and a more cooperative Ashton..

Yet, at times, i feel strained too.. especially with Jadelle also demanding my attention. Strangely, both demand for milk at same timing, and both wants my attention one after another.. When jadelle finally sleeps,Ashton will wake up and cry for his turn, when Ashton finally sleeps, Jadelle will cry for attention etc..They even planned their poo-ing one after another!!

I feel like octopus! And Jadelle being in her terrible twos and insecure state.. it really strenous on me and AK..

AK tried to help, but it seems he is so tired.. many times in the middle of the night, i will be latching Ashton on, patting jadelle and almost falling off the bed from the tiredness.. and the Bed is really too small for 4 pax! I am so fearful that Ashton will roll off 1 night!

Jadelle's into her terrible twos...driving daddy & mummy nuts!!

We spent our weekend tell her NO so many times, it might have hit 100 times! This morning was ultimate.. somehow, she got her hands on the 100% aloe vera gel, opened it up, and squeezed it onto her face and mouth..

i was sleeping like a pig when suddenly this angelic voice goes.." mummy, mummy!! arrgghh arrghhhh!!"... i opened my eyes, peered at her and jumped up in fright cos the aloe vera gel was in her hands, half its contents gone, and she pointed to her mouth and started to wail..


grabbed her, almost dragging her into the toilet, and shouting at her for being so silly..starting wiping her face and hands and rinsing her mouth.. the whole time i was scolding her, telling her that it is poisonous (which it wasn't, phew..) and things cannot be put into th mouth without asking us..

After i calmed & cooled down and regretted my reaction, which by then, the princess was already frightened to bits and started sobbing.. told her if she like it so much, i can pour the balance into her mouth.. and she shook her head vigorously NO, NO!!

When i have calmed down, i explained to her that she scared me and frightened me and cos i am afraid she swallowed the gel, i have to react fast to rinse it out and told her not to swallow creams that is on the baby trolley but to ask us first.

Jadelle understood every single word....... still amazed at her speech growth and analytic skills.

I then went on to ask her why mummy scold her and why jadelle cry? she said cos jadelle eat the aloe vera gel..

Sigh.. she was just being curious...... but, oh dear, the cat calling the kettle black.. what about me inserting the battery into my nose when i was 6 and frightening Uncle Paul almost to death??

Really, like mother like daughter... hmm..i wonder if Grandma Josephine was ever that naughty & curious.. just she kept it well hidden.. this character must have come from my mum or dad!

Saturday, February 07, 2009

back to PD agan.. 3rd time in 2 weeks since his birth.. this round for neonatal breast Mastitis!!

My poor son.. seen the PD 3 times since birth!

1st was the regular visit for jaundice - passed
2nd was for the horrible pustales around his eyes..
and now, for neonatal breast mastitis! We saw a swelling on his nipple, including some pus on Thursday, which we did not notice on Wednesday.. alarmed, the maids rush to tell me.. initially i that that it was a new pustale located at the most awkward location.. yet, something tells me that the pus is so small, but the swelling behind it, so big.. maybe better return to the PD..

Dr. Simon Ng was fast.. he took a look and announced neonatal mastitis = breast infection from blocked milk ducts! i was stunned.. huh??

I knew that infants have milk in their breasts.. in the 1st few weeks of life.. but blocked ducts? and even worse, infection?

He was give Augmentin! i was arrghhh? So strong?? I still know my drugs.. goes to show..but he said that for infants with this, this is most appropriate medication.

and was asked to apply the cream which he gave us for the pustales.. sigh..

Mom concludes that it is the playpen assembly during confinement at work.. suggested to dismantle it but, Ashton will sleep where? dilemma!! My heart hurts to see my wee little boy wincing in pain when i feel around his infected nipple.. he is a brave boy..

Getting to know my son more these 3 weeks had been fun.. he takes after AK in behaviour, patterns.. sneezes like him too.. normally, at least twice when he kanna a sneeze attack..

He is a quiet and not so demanding baby so far.. but once provoked, really give us his super loud wails as if to prove his point!

He loves to sleep next to me at night! And if i put him back to playpen, he will fussed to be carried!

Ashton got neonatal mastitis.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Jadelle starts school! and came home with bites all over her face!

My girl starts school liaoz.. it was chaotic and mummy wasn't around.. as she is still stuck in confinement..

seems that my MIL thinks the school sucks.. dirty (mouldy overalls?) and teachers bo chap when the kids fight.. and MIL complains that the afternoon sun is bad for the kids.. i paid more then 1k for this type of quality???

seems like MIL thinks that JG is better?

wish i was there.. but anyway, she play sand on 1st day.. (MIL complain sand is dirty!) and next day, she had BITES and swelling all over her face & eyes! sob sob...

i think it is sand fly bites! i just called the school to complain.. hope they will clean up their act.

really disappointed..

oh, Ashton's pustales are recovering well, and he is going through growth spurt also.. been a tiring night for me..

now planning for his full month party..