Sunday, March 04, 2007

Lots of milestones hit this CNY!

Jadelle's 1st CNY was so eventful! I took leave and was a SAHM for 2 weeks.. and i tried to put her onto a routine.. it worked! At the end of the 2 weeks:
1) Jadelle was taking her naps without me rocking her and napping for min. 45 minutes!
2) she woke up twice at night and i managed to get her back to sleep without comfort nursing!
3) Brought her swimming!
4) She learnt to sit up!
5) Feed her green bean puree, apple puree, rice cereal, brown rice cereal.
6) She collected lots of ang pows (with lots of relatives claiming she look like a BOY!:()
7) She fell off the bed, bBut landed on daddy! Nevertheless, she got frightened and cried.

CNY was so fun!

Sigh, but once her grandparents (AK's parents) return from their china trip, it wasn't so fun for me..

1) Jadelle developed cough, phlegm, running nose and it was the first time she fell ill.. It was heartbreaking to see her feeling so bad.. She didn't know what is happening to her and needed my comfort more (= comfort nursing and carrying & sayang!)
2) After i go back to work, she refused to be patted back to sleep and want us to carry her again! There goes my efforts in the last 2 weeks. I wasn't sure if it is due to her being sick, or my MIL must have reverted to rocking her..
3) She wake up often in the night crying for us to carry her..

I feel so much to do, and never having anytime to do it.. my to-do list still outstanding:

- repack my clothes! My MIL dunno where to put my clothes! So sickening! especially after i arranged it and she just pile on top! I wish she can leave the clothes to the maid. She made me feel so inadequate.
- get a full night's sleep finally!
- how to get rid of my backache from the night nursing.
- how to get jadelle to sleep through the night.
- start flashing GD cards @ Jadelle again.. this time, including the english & chinese program which i must prepare..
- pack my table and get rid of stuff i don't need
- find a solution to store my bags nicely
- do up jadelle's bedroom properly, with storage, bed etc..
- i want a good shelf for my books!! I HATE THAT IKEA SHELF!

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