Monday, June 19, 2006

Tidying up the baby's room

Went with my mum & dad during lunchtime yesterday to toyogo's warehouse @ Toa payoh.. saw stackable drawers that can fit into our cupboard's bottom rack in the baby's room.. also saw a dim sum trolley that we can use to put frequently used stuff next to cot.. bought everything in blue! keke!

went back & check & confirm it fits into the cupboard.. looking good! now, things looked more organised...

gotta wash the cot sheets, the sling, the nursing top..the washcloths, the nappies for standby.... oh yes, & sterilise all bottles & pumps!

MIL went shopping again! i think, she got more baby stuff then me!

oh no.. what i put inside the hospital bag?? anyhow whack lah.. so far, i planning to bring:

- night gown x 1 with buttons
- hot/cold compress (for labour??)
- baby CD & my usual essential oil (clarins??)
- 2 change of baby clothing
- disposable panties
- sanitory maternity napkins (stick ons)
- extra NB size diapers
- 1 wrap blanket
- milk bottles x 2?
- biscuits, chicken essence, hot water bottle for AK & me?
- mobile phone + charger!
- mine & AK's IC, admission form, marriage certificate.
- clothing for trip home
- toothbrush, toothpaste, comb and toiletries etc.
- nursing bra
- Towel
- Few sets of breast pads
- 1 pair of socks (to keep warm)
- Shawl & sweater (for myself and husband)
- Plastic bag (for soiled cloths)
- Letter for admission from doctor
- Camera
- Slipper
- magazines to read..

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