Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day..

Yesterday was Father's day.. I don't like these family gatherings, as it makes me prioritize between my own family and my hubby's family. Both sides feel neglected when on the ACTUAL Day, we cannot be with them..

There was again a dispute with my SIL... Hubby & her agreed to buy a mobile for their dad.. plus dinner, it cost ~146sgd per sibling. She baulked at the figure and decided to back out of her previous agreement to take over hubby's pda phone.. when made hubby really angry cos, he was doing her a favour, otherwise, he would have traded in for his new HTC diamond phone at the PC show. He had asked her several times over the last 4 days if she is very sure about taking over the pda phone (especially knowing her financial situation).. and she affirmed that she still want it. Now, hubby's stuck.. He feels trapped as to force her to continue with the agreement meant that she will have more financial problems, yet, he thought that she has considered it seriously..

It seems that she want the best of all worlds:

1) Stay at home mom
2) Tai tai style with spending money available to splurge on life's little luxuries on herself (mobile phones, LV bags, shopping online)
3) Have a maid to order around (compliments of me!)
4) Chauffeurred around (by her dad and brother)
5) Get luxury baby items to use (strollers, car seats, potty seats, high chairs, branded clothes - compliments of me again, no permission required!)
6) Have a hen pecked and submissive hubby to order about and scold all the time
7) No need to do housework (her mum does it for her)

How can 2 siblings, brought up together, have such different character? Hubby very independent and refuse to rely on parents for anything. She is simply put, a LEECH.

With No. 2 on the way, it is time to get her out. I will refuse to support her luxuries and add on to it with a maid.

1 comment:

Joyce said...

I agree... time to slowly get her out of your lives. But don't stress yourself over it. So sad coz things get so complicated because of 1 selfish person, otherwise there would be lesser friction with you and the family *hugs* now most impt thing is to take care of yourself ya? don't keep getting angry and worked up else baby will be like me with volcanic temper!