Tuesday, June 26, 2007

New milestones, new thoughts, new toys!

Its been so hectic recently, that i almost forgot to update this blog!

Jadelle has been growing so rapidly, i fear that i forget all her achievements! Now, she can:

1) Wave goodbye & Say Hi!
2) kiss us on the cheeks
3) Dance to her favorite tunes (hokey pokey, itsy bitsy spider)
4) point to her head, ears, teeth, tongue, mouth and eyes when asked!
5) pat herself when we asked who is Jadelle
6) recognise ball, spider, milk bottle, dog, cat, pico (my dog!)
7) can asked us where? with her hands!
8) Blow us flying kisses!
9) play hide & seek with me
10) learn to run away when i try to "catch" her.. playing catching!
11) learnt to stand up with support, though still no independent standing! and Still rapidly crawling around!
12) She added new sounds to her baby language.. mamama, dada,arrgghh, bababa, yeeeeeeee, papapapa, etc.. :)
13) And she knows who is mummy, daddy, grandpa, grandma, auntie, uncle!

Workwise, it is tough with the recent travelling. I was away for 1 week and i miss AK & Jadelle so bad, i caught 2 earlier flights home and cut short my shopping time!! Milk supply also dipped a little..Workload is still piling up, but with the last headhunting session, it had made me wonder if it was all worth it?? I will speak with management today and see how it goes...

I was glad that Jade still want to latch when i return home, contrary to my fears that she will reject latching on after 1 week of bottle feeding x 24 hrs x 7 days.

AK is so busy with work, that he is neglecting his new toy.. hmm.. better polish and protect your car, boy! I am still so fascinated with that car.. what a difference!

OL has been sold.. we are glad at the positive returns but with a tinge of regret... if only other parties are not involved... what a difference it would have made..

Now, i will focus on other alternatives... Once Aug/ Sept is reach, AK & i will review again. What's next? so exciting..

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