Sunday, February 04, 2007

Jadelle has turned 5 months!

Wow, this weekend has been one full of thoughts, new introduction of stuff to jadelle, lots of gatherings and my usual mahjong game.. hmm.. what a busy weekend it has been! No wonder Jadelle is tired out!

I noticed to my dismay that Jadelle's weight dropped 1/2 kg in the last week back to 6.5kg from 7kg!. Made me wonder if my milk is really enough at this growing stage of hers..

I visited the breast specialist on Thursday to investigate my "lump" further. It turned out to be a cyst.. but.. a MILK CYST! It was drawn out immediately to avoid it being curdled up inside and causing mastitis and infection and forming a permanent lump.. cost me almost 400sgd! Sigh, but it was a relief. Found out from Dr. Wee (The breast specialist) that some women do have a slower milk flow rate and quantity/ letdown is variable and is very very sensitive to the signals to the brain from stimuli.. Today's working women do not produce as much milk as our ancestors, simply because of the stress levels of our work. He also advised me to start to introduce solids to Jadelle, as milk will no longer have enough iron & calcium for her growth, whether breastmilk or formula milk. One of the factors to point to moving in this direction is whether Jadelle is gaining weight.

Well, since she lost weight instead, I decide not to wait until Chinese New Year anymore.. but will start slowly..

We began yesterday on her 5th month! and it was a success!

What else we did this weekend??

Here goes:
1) opened up the HUGE bumper playmat pooh wonderland limited edition (dual side with pooh 1 side & ABC's the other side) and got Jadelle on it!
2) went for Sept mummies gathering! ooh.. so many babies!!
3) played mahjong 2x!
4) went shopping for more Jadelle's clothes! (relax lah.. only 10sgd for 2 pcs!)
5) Went Ikea to eat lunch and had fun browsing!
6) went to Zouk flea market, spent 7sgd for a ring & a book!
7) played and played with Jadelle! She is sooo fun to play with now.. i missed her so much during the week.. sigh..

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